Wednesday Routine (and Volcano Pasta)

Okay, usually, I do more stuff, than I did today, around the house, but I had other priorities. For real, I wasn't procrastinating. However, I DO need to make sure my stuff gets done, tomorrow, that I didn't do today...

  • Wednesday is pretty much the same as Tuesday

  • 5:50-I get up and get ready. I awaken the Beasties, and have them get ready.

  • While they're getting dressed, I make their breakfasts.

  • I feed the Beasties, and get their lunchboxes/backpacks ready.

  • Bus stop.

  • Come home.

  • Pick up stuff from around the house

  • Vacuum the downstairs.

  • Then I move all the stuff out of the kitchen, and I mop the floors downstairs.

  • I toss the mop into the washer, and wash all the towels, in the house.

  • (Usually, I'll run a vacuum over the carpet up stairs, but, mostly, I get upstairs and get overwhelmed with all the junk that's on the floors, and I turn around, and work on the downstairs.)

  • Because this, typically, takes a long time, sometimes, I'll put on my Polar Heart rate Monitor, and count it as my exercize time...)

  • I head to the gym, (maybe) for a few hours, come home, and shower.
    Today, I go to #2's class and read with them, individually. I really enjoy doing this. I get to stretch my teaching muscles, but it's one on one. It's very rewarding :)
    Some more picking up around the house, folding of the towels (if thye're done...), then off to the bus stop!
    As they unpack, wash hands, get snacks, I assist with homework, signing any folders. washing lunchboxes, etc.After cleaning the bathrooms, they play. At 4, I start on dinner. We usualy eat at 5, so I need to start early.

Tonight's dinner is a delicious pasta dish I found on this blog:

Vanessa is the sister of a dear friend of mine, and posts mouth-watering recipes! (Their mom is a fantastic cook, so I know Vanessa got some of that, from her!!)

Volcano Pasta
